Choosing The Right Exterior Paint for Your Home!
Selecting the right exterior paint for your home can be quite a headache. When you pick out paint, you will find hundreds of colors available, and you have to pick the finish too! Beyond that, different paint qualities will affect how many coats of paint are needed and what kind of coverage and lifespan you can expect from the finished product. So how do y...
Top Reasons To Repaint Your Commercial Property
The total size of a commercial building has been trending up. The average size was around 16,300 square feet in the 1990s compared to 19,000 in the 2000s. EIA research shows size still rising as recently as 2012. With larger buildings representing nearly 20% of commercial stock, odds are growing that any one business will be in a bigger space. While a newer ...
Is Pressure Washing Necessary For Your HOA Community
Residents might fall in love with a community at first, but what keeps them around when the initial thrill has worn off? One big contributor is overlooked by HOAs all too often: The level of care and attention taken in the upkeep of buildings, pathways, and amenities for the money paid. Cleanliness has always been recognized as a measure of the pride taken ...