Concrete Polishing Options
Are you thinking about what you can do with your concrete floors? With the type of choices that there are within the commercial painting industry for concrete, you have a lot of options when it comes to creating a floor that is not only functional but also beautiful. No matter if you are needing to update a concrete area or wanting to do some...

Antimicrobial Flooring Systems and Their Use
Have you ever gone into a business and looked down and thought, “I wonder, how much bacteria could be on this floor”? If you think about it, every floor that you come into contact with, whether it is in an industrial, commercial, or even within our own residential areas, will have a myriad of microbial bacteria. There is a solution that can help control...

Is There Such a Thing as Eco-Friendly Industrial Painting?
There are many advances happening around the world when it comes to environmentally friendly products, and the painting industry is no exception. If we are to help slow down the deterioration of our planet, we need to do all that we can to reduce the harmful emissions around us. Being that paints and coatings are near the top of the list of emission o...