Should Your Business Use Reflective Roof Coatings
In any commercial structure, the roof is one of the most important contributors to energy efficiency. Solar radiation is absorbed or reflected by the roof, and its composition makes a big difference in what becomes of all that heat. That, in turn, influences the usage patterns of your HVAC system. In warmer climates such as Florida, this is far from an acad...

Tips To Preserve Your Parking Deck
In business or industrial settings, parking garages and parking decks undergo some of the most strenuous abuse of any substrate. Parking structures age quickly, even when they are carefully used only as intended. Parking structures that are accessible to the public can face even more wear and tear. Fast or incautious driving can cause skid marks and fender b...

Protective Coatings Are Playing an Important Role for Your Business
Protective coatings are getting more attention from businesses, hospitals, and government. Far from "merely cosmetic," the right protective coatings impart performance benefits on the treated substrate. This helps you reduce future maintenance costs, control safety risks, and maintain the appearance you want while safeguarding your structure. Materials scie...