Although there are many ways to add value to a business, painting is one of the easiest and most beneficial. Thoughtful, well-executed office painting can make your business a positive and welcoming environment, not only for yourself but for your customers and employees as well.  


Paint over time will fade and give your place of business a worn-out look which reflects on your business and can create an unwelcoming environment. You have a great business, make sure that first impression shows that. Did you know that various colors affect your mood? Realtors will tell you to go with grey or shades of grey as that is what is the style, but ask yourself this, am I going for style or purpose?Picture_002

Some businesses simply don’t need a new paint makeover. Plainly put the current color works great and everyone loves it. It simply needs to be refreshed. This is very common for exterior painting for a business. The weather can take it’s toll on your paint and make your building look older than it is. Once you see that the building looks worn and paint might be peeling, it is then that you need a refresher.

Depending on your industry and what you want your walls to express- should have a lot to do with your paint scheme. Have you ever noticed that spas like to use the color blue? Science has proven that shades of blue enhance our ability to relax and release the tension and stress, and that is a spa’s goal- to relax. Of course if you own a retail store that sells light fixtures, then you will want to go with something that shows off your product.  This is where using a trained eye, such as a well respected interior designer, would come in handy. Working with a painter that can already recommend someone is best. Saves you time and you can get to the much needed task faster.

Another reason painting businesses is for functionality. We have heard that many offices are beginning to redesign their offices using the art of Feng Shui.  Feng Shui has been used for centuries by the Eastern World and this philosophy has grown in popularity among those in the United States.  There are various elements one needs to consider when redesigning your work space and using the methods of Feng Shui. We found this website that you will find beneficial, if you decide to go the route of redesigning your business using the Feng Shui methodology.

As you are deciding on what your business needs, take a look at your atmosphere. Now ask yourself this, does my business need a facelift, a new look or a complete overhaul?  

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