Choosing The Right Exterior Paint for Your Home!
Selecting the right exterior paint for your home can be quite a headache. When you pick out paint, you will find hundreds of colors available, and you have to pick the finish too! Beyond that, different paint qualities will affect how many coats of paint are needed and what kind of coverage and lifespan you can expect from the finished product. So how do y...
Water Storage Tank Painting
It was not long ago when water tank painting required tanks to be drained before work began. Condensation on the exterior made it impossible to paint a tank in service. Even quality coatings would fail due to the moisture. This was another reason water tank painting was typically confined to summer, even though summer weather leads to peak water demand in mo...
Painting Water Storage Tanks in Winter
Advancements in containment and heating have made it easier to paint water tanks later in the year. This is significant because taking tanks out of service in the summer creates a variety of issues. Water tank painting is important, but it must be balanced against the ability to deliver water at the seasonal peak of demand. Downtime can cause significant ser...