Performance Painting to Paint S.A.F.E Pet Rescue

Mar 11, 2017

Performance Painting Contractors are set to provide a Free Paint makeover to the St. Augustine Pet Rescue building, S.A.F.E on Saturday, March 11, 2017. ...

A Gift of Color Project for S.A.F.E. Pet Rescue Scheduled for March 11, 2017

Mar 03, 2017

The Gift of Color is Performance Painting’s community outreach program that we have been doing to give back to our community for the past six years. Each of the past recipients are folks that selflessly help others in need and this year’s recipient, S.A.F.E. Pet Rescue, is no different.  S.A.F.E. Pet Rescue is a nonprofit animal rescue shelter locat...

A Gift of Color is Awarded to S.A.F.E. Pet Rescue

Feb 01, 2017

In 2011 Performance Painting Contractors decided they needed to find a way to give back to their community in their own way. They had been participating in local charities, but wanted to do something more. After much thought, the Gift of Color was born. Since 2011 Performance Painting Contractors has awarded five paint makeovers, each estimated at an average...